Placenta Previa

Placenta previa is a condition in which the placenta implanted improperly in the lower uterine segment near or over the internal cervical os.

Types of Placenta Previa:
  1. Total: the internal os is covered entirely by the placenta when the cervix is dilated fully
  2. Partial: the internal os is covered incompletely
  3. Marginal: only an edge of the placenta extends to the internal os
  4. Low-lying placenta: the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment but does not reach the internal os

Signs and Symptoms:
  • Painless red vaginal bleeding occur in the last half of pregnancy
  • Uterus is soft, relaxed, and non-tender
  • Fundal height may be greater than expected for gestational age

Nursing Interventions:

  • Interventions depend on the classification of the previa and gestational age of the fetus
  • Monitor maternal vital signs, fetal heart rate, and fetal activity
  • Prepare for ultrasound
  • Avoid vaginal examination
  • Bed rest in a left leteral position
  • Monitor amount of bleeding (shock)
  • Administer IV fluids, blood products, or tocolytic medication as prescribed
  • Cesarean section may be performed if bleeding is heavy
  • Administer Rh immune globulin if the mother is Rh-negative and has not been given the injection at 28 weeks of gestation

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