- IV oxytocin induction is usually successful when labor readiness has been established, fetal maturity is established and Bishop score is 9 or more.
- Maternal and fetal status can be monitored closely.
Induction is an invasive procedure.
Hypertonic labor, fetal distress, alterations in blood pressure, ruptured uterus.
- Postmaturity
- Premature rupture of membranes
- Presence of maternal disease such as diabetes mellitus
- Fetal demise.
- Grand multiparity
- Placental abdominalities
- Previous uterine surgery
- Fetal distress
- Preterm fetus
- Positive CST
- Abnormal fetal presentation
- Presenting part above inlet
- Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD).
- Obtain baseline tracing of uterine contractions
- Follow established protocols
- Increase IV dosage only after assessing contractions, FHR, and maternal blood pressure and pulse.
- Do not increase rate once desired contraction pattern is obtained.
- Discontinue oxytocin if contraction frequency is less than 2 minutes of duration is more than 90 seconds, or if fetal distress is noted.
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