Forceps Birth

Forceps birth is an assisted birth, sometimes called an instrumental or operative vaginal birth, uses instruments that are attached to baby’s head so that baby can be pulled out. Forceps are described as stainless steel that come in two intersecting parts and have curved end to cradle baby’s head. It can be used as low or outlet forceps or for mid-forceps procedures.
This procedure is done to provide traction or to assist in rotation of the fetus.

  • Provide assistance when laboring women is exhausted
  • May decrease need for cesarean birth
  • Maternal complication such as vaginal and perineal lacerations and postpartal hemorrhage
  • Neonatal complication such as facial bruising, edema and cerebral trauma.
Nursing care:
  • Explain the procedure to woman
  • Encourage her to relax perineum and breathe during forceps application
  • Advice physician when contraction is present
  • Assess newborn for facial bruising or edema.

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