Fundal Height Assessment - Prenatal Care

Fundal Height assessment is measured to evaluate the fetus's gestational age. Fundal height is measured from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of the fundus. Height is assessed in centimeters.

At 16 weeks, the fundus can be found halfway between the symphysis pubis and the umbilicus. At 20 - 22 weeks, the fundus will be at the umbilicus, and at 36 weeks, the fundus is at xyphoid process. During the second and third trimesters (weeks 18 to 30), fundal height in centimeters approximately equals the fetus's age in weeks plus or minus 2 centimeters.

Remember that picture as it maybe questioned in NCLEX - CGFNS test.

  1. To Measure Fundal Height :
  2. Place the pregnant woment in the supine position
  3. Place the end of the tape measure at the level of the symphysis pubis.
  4. Stretch the tape to the top of the uterine fundus, and
  5. Record / document the measurement.

Maternity Nursing - Pregnancy, Signs and Symptoms

Here the explanation of these signs and symptoms of pregnancy.


  1. Amenorrhea, more than 10 days elapsed since the time of expected onset of menstruation
  2. Nausea and vomiting
  3. Increase of urinary frequency
  4. Fatigue and drowsiness
  5. Breast changes : feeling of fullness, tenterness, enlargement, darkening of areola, prominence of veins, enlargement of montgomery's tubercles (it is a small gland around nipple)
  6. Vaginal changes: bluish color (chadwick's sign)
  7. Skin Changes : striae (stretch marks), dark pigmented vertical lines on abdomen (linea nigra), pigment formation on face (facial chloasma), and mother's perception of fetal movement (quickening)

  1. Uterine changes : Hegar's sign (softening of lower uterus), Goodell's sign (softening of cervix), and Braxton Hicks' Contraction (false labor)
  2. Palpation of fetal body
  3. Positive of horman test for pregnancy
  4. Ballottement (rebounding of fetus in amniotic fluid)

  1. Fetal movement (felt by examiner)
  2. Fetal heartbeat
  3. Radiograph of fetus
  4. Sonogram of fetus

These signs and symptoms of pregnancy always appears in NCLEX-CGFNS questions.